When it’s time to move out of your rental property, securing your bond is a priority. Our end of lease cleaning services are designed to meet the high standards required by landlords and property managers. We understand the specific cleaning tasks that need to be completed to ensure you get your bond back.
At 365 Cleaners, we use high-quality, special cleaning equipment and Contact useco-friendly products for a spotless finish. Whether you’re moving out of a house, apartment, or commercial space, our comprehensive vacate cleaning service will leave your property looking as good as new.

End of Lease Cleaning Experts in Melbourne

End of Lease Carpet Cleaning

Carpets can hold onto dirt, grime and allergens, making end of lease carpet cleaning essential. Our skilled cleaners use advanced carpet steam cleaning techniques to deep clean and revitalise your carpets. We use professional-grade steam cleaning machines that penetrate deep into the carpet fibres to remove stubborn stains and odours.

Staying in Ballarat, you might have noticed how quickly the local weather can affect the cleanliness of your carpets. Whether it’s dust from a dry summer or mud from a rainy day, our carpet cleaning services will ensure your carpets are immaculate. Carpet cleaning is a crucial part of the end of lease cleaning process, impacting your chances of getting your bond back.

At 365 Cleaners, we understand that every carpet is different. Our friendly team offers personalised solutions tailored to the specific needs of your carpets. Choose our end of lease carpet cleaning service for a hassle-free vacate.

What Our End of Lease Cleaners Serve you?

End of Lease Cleaning Services include

We, at 365 Cleaners, offer a wide range of services for end of lease house cleaning across Melbourne. Some of our services include:

  • Cleaning and washing of all the surfaces.
  • Cleaning of cupboards, drawers, and other storage units in every room.
  • Cleaning and degreasing of all the tiles.
  • Vacuum cleaning of the carpets.
  • Cleaning of the ceiling and cornices.
  • Washing and polishing of the mirrors.
  • Elimination of all the unimportant and old stuff.
  • Thorough cleaning of the wooden furniture.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting of the toilets.
  • Washing off all the kitchen equipment and appliances.
  • Proper cleaning of the waste disposal containers.

Cleaning and washing of all the surfaces

Residential End of Lease Cleaning

Moving home is a tedious task and doing it all by yourself adds more to your to-do list. With 365 Cleaners, you can relax as our expert team comprehensively clean your entire house, from carpets, windows, doors, to the deep cleaning of bathrooms and kitchen and everything else under the roof. From a studio apartment to family homes, our end-of-lease and bond cleaning ensures that you get a neat and clean home to hand over back to the property owners and get a complete security deposit. How about having the same team cleaning your new house?

Residential End of Lease Cleaning

End of Lease Cleaning Services for Office & Commercial Properties

Moving office is different from home relocation and has additional challenges with PCs, network devices, and all other paraphernalia. At 365 Cleaners,  we plan and organize pre-move cleaning within a pre-determined time frame and budget. We coordinate with your movers and packers to shift all your belongings so that cleaning happens, hassle-free, and your landlord is happy with the end results. Every nook and cranny is cleaned leaving a shinning and spotless surface. We can also make your new office moving-ready. Do you need it?

Do you have a project to discuss? Schedule a visit at 1300 285 518 and one of our technicians will assess the site to provide a fair estimate for your cleaning job.


Vacate Cleaning Melbourne

We at 365 Cleaners are willing to put in more effort to ensure that your rental property is clean and tidy. We provide a comprehensive range of services to meet your vacate cleaning requirements. Instead of putting yourself through the hassle of cleaning, let our highly efficient and qualified cleaners do it for you.

We aim to work promptly and diligently to get your bond back. Our vacate cleaning services in Melbourne are second to none. We do hundreds of vacate cleanings every year in Melbourne.

Whether you need vacate cleaning for a small home or a big house, we can help you. We carry all of our supplies and cleaning chemicals with us so that you can concentrate on settling into your new home. Our skilled vacate cleaners will leave your property spotless and smelling wonderful. We have the necessary skills and adhere to strict vacate cleaning rules to ensure that the home looks as nice as the day you moved in.

Moving to a new home is stressful enough, and cleaning up your previous home before you leave doesn’t make the situation any better either. You risk losing all of your bond money if you do not thoroughly clean your rental property prior to moving out.

Vacate Cleaners

Hire the best Vacate Cleaners in Melbourne

If you are about to move out from your rented property, you’ve probably heard about a mandatory end-of-lease cleaning that must take place before you leave. Of course, you may feel up to the job of scrubbing the place yourself, but the majority of the time, to get your deposit back, you will have to get your house professionally cleaned.

We value our customers and will ensure that everything is taken care of efficiently, thoroughly, and promptly. We provide a cleaning checklist that is custom-made for your needs. And for the client’s convenience, we can work with the checklist property owners provide when the tenants are moving out of the house. Let 365 Cleaners be your helping hand for a thorough end of leasing in Melbourne.

We have extensive years of experience in helping the tenants to clean the entire property from the inside to the outside before leaving the property. At 365 Cleaners, we try to provide our 100% efforts to clean your rental property as per the requirements of your rental agreement so that you cannot have any stress about the property inspection and issues related to it.

Vacate Cleaners

Professional End of Lease Cleaning in Melbourne

An end of lease cleaning includes bond cleaning, vacuuming all carpets, mopping the floors, thorough dusting of any hard furniture, cleaning the kitchen, vacate cleaning, bathrooms, the oven inside and out, as well as cleaning the windows. The cleaning team uses professional equipment and detergents and follows detailed end-of-lease cleaning services.

After engaging with us for end-of-lease tenancy cleaning, a team of experienced and skilled employees is prepared for your project. Unlike other end-of-the-lease cleaning companies, which will send amateur cleaners, we send a large team of professionals to your place so that the cleaning is done accurately and in less time.

Our primary motive is to provide a 100% deposit back through our end-of-lease cleaning in Australia. That’s why our experts don’t just ‘try to clean’, instead they are motivated to clean all and any kind of dirt, stains, and stubborn marks.

Vacate Cleaners

We have created a comprehensive checklist of your end-of-lease cleaning contract in which all the crucial cleaning areas and parts are mentioned.

Our team of highly experienced and skilled cleaners know exactly how to impress the landlord and the investigators. The regular cleaning is not enough when your deposit money is the reason for cleaning. This situation makes us use advanced and completely modern techniques and equipment to provide a sparkling spotless house. Bathtub, sinks and shower recess is the area which always require intense cleaning.

With regular usage and water marks bathroom tiles can become very dull with the coverage of mold. 365 Cleaners try its level best to provide sparkly bathroom just the way it was first installed. Apart from that, ovens are such equipment which contain a humongous number of bacteria in comparison to any other part of the house. Also, we do sanitize the place along with the cleaning, so that you not only get clean but germs-free as well. This is the way we execute an end-of-tenancy cleaning.

Vacate Cleaners

Cleaning with Bond Back Guarantee

Moving home is a daunting task, let alone cleaning the property upon exit, at 365 Cleaners we understand this and we provide end-of-lease cleaning to a very high standard so that you will get your bond back. We have a strong understanding of the cleaning requirements expected by landlords throughout Australia. Therefore, we know exactly what the agent will expect your exit cleaning inspection to pass.

365 Cleaners provides the best end of lease cleaning to make you get your Bond Back Deposit. Our end of lease cleaning price is so comprehensive and it provides a very detailed and thorough cleaning which is required to bring the property to a condition ready for inspection by the landlord or property manager. Our cleaning team carries out a detailed and thorough cleaning of the entire property.

365 cleaners provides the best end of lease cleaning service to provide bond back deposit. We want you to be impressed with our end of lease cleaning in Melbourne, that is why we try to get your bond back.


End to End Green Cleaning in Melbourne

365 Cleaners should be about more than cleaning. We are more about making life easier, improving daily life, and caring for the environment. We have traded harsh cleaning chemicals and disposable cleaning tools for earth-friendly green products and adopted a policy of conservation for each item on our cleaning checklist. We take the time necessary to ensure that each work on our checklist is complete, baby and pet safe, and satisfactory for customers just like you.

A thorough end-of-lease house cleaning requires plenty of cleaning agents and hard work. Many health-related issues like sinuses, allergic reactions, pain, and inflammation provoking can be caused because of abrasive multipurpose chemical cleaners, and have the potential to cause serious irreversible damage on contact or if ingested.

Green cleaning, however, is safe and effective because it’s built on the use of natural, organic cleaning agents and a minimal-waste process.

In brief, green cleaning:

  • Won’t trigger allergies for adults or children
  • Won’t cause irritation and inflammation
  • Won’t upset asthmatic conditions
  • Uses products safe for external contact

Reduces environmental severe impact

Green Cleaning

Inclusions & Exclusions-365 Cleaners

Our end-of-tenancy cleaning for rental properties is provided in major cities of Australia, sending out our highly experienced staff members to clean all parts of the house for bond back. Our end-of-lease cleaning in Victoria uses special professional cleaning equipment and is spotlessly clean for affordable vacate cleaning.

We understand that your bond money is at stake and that thoroughness is the key to getting your money back. At the end of lease cleaning, there is a list of things that are especially included and some are excluded.

End of Lease Cleaning Inclusions (Unfurnished Property)


Thorough cleaning of floors and surfaces. Properly wiped and cleaned the doors, window tracks, and skirting boards where dust gathers with the time. Remove cobwebs and clean the walls. Curtain and upholstery cleaning, mattress and carpet steam cleaning.


Kitchen cleaning includes range hood cleaning, benchtop, and splashbacks cleaning, de-greasing of stovetop/cooktop, deep cleaning of dishwashers, surfaces of equipment properly as wiped and polished, and kitchen cabinets cleaning inside and out.

Clean and polish faucet and sink, wipe skirting boards, and floors vacuumed and mopped.


The bathroom and toilets were disinfected and sanitized, sinks cleaned wiped and polished, cabinets cleaned inside and out, shower and bathroom cleaned and disinfected, removing mould and stubborn stains removed from showers, cleaning of exhaust fans, and vacuuming.


We focus on the taps, floors, faucets, grouts, tiles, and everything that your laundry area has for cleaning.


Remove cobwebs and sweep the floor to remove oil and grease stains.


Sweep and mop floors for cleaning, and remove cobwebs.


Remove dust and wipe over furniture surfaces.

Living Rooms/Bedrooms

  • Dusting off blinds, cupboards & wardrobes
  • Sweeping/washing floors
  • Mirrors
  • Fans
  • External body of ACs
  • Vacuum/steam cleaning carpets/carpeted floors
  • Wiping windows and doors


Additional Services (will be separately quoted)

The list given below is quoted separately and will appear on your quote as a separate item. If they are not part of your list on the quote then it means they are not included.

This list is not definitive. It has listed the most common services, other specialty services such as household repairs and painters, etc.

  • Carpet cleaning
  • Blinds IE Venetians
  • Pool Maintenance
  • Garden Maintenance
  • Rubbish Removal
  • Furnished Properties
  • Pest Control
  • Upholstery Cleaning
  • Pressure Cleaning

End of Lease Cleaning Exclusions of 365 Cleaners

The following items are excluded from our end-of-lease cleaning services.



We try to do our best to remove mold from areas however mold can be embedded into silicon, grout, and other areas. These areas will require a specialist to restore them to a normal state.

Damp Spots

Damp spots can happen anywhere in the house, often the drywall plaster can get affected. We put complete effort into removing mold and any type of marks because of damp spots. However, it is unlikely that these spots vanish properly. Once the moisture exceeds in the area those marks will be visible again.

Complete Wall Cleaners

During wall cleaning, we spot the insect marks and do clean them properly. Whereas, in the requirement of full wall cleaning a little more time and effort requires to get a difficult result. A requirement of a full wall comes if the marks are beyond normal stains.



With time, grout, toilets, and plastics often discolor and it is highly unlikely to bring back them into their original color without skilled help. We can invest our commercial experience efforts to clean the items but discoloration is not part of that.

Tile and Natural Rock Stains

We do our best to remove stains, however due to the composition of the tiles or benchtops it is not possible to remove stains without specialist intervention.


Ceilings are not part of our cleaning services.

Dangerous Areas

Any specific areas considered dangerous and difficult for them to operate are not part of the cleaning such as broken switches, rubbish, bio waste, or any other hazard that can seem dangerous.



Our cleaners do not clean at heights. No cleaning in which there is a requirement for the ladder is not performed. To illustrate, windows on a specific floor on the height of the unit complex.

Garage walls

Garage walls do not come in our cleaning part.

Specialist Services

Areas that require special cleaning equipment, specialist chemicals, or an expert technician with modern tools are not part of cleaning. Examples are pressure cleaners, painters, and plasterers.

Additional Items

Items such as fridges, furniture, or any items not listed in the inclusions will not be cleaned unless both the parties are on the same page and mention the things in writing.

Furnished (If Applicable)

We will not clean inside cupboards if items are not removed from there.


Kitchen Items (Furnished if Applicable)

We do not clean nor warrant all kitchen items that occupy cupboards and drawers.

Furnished Property Exclusions

We do not clean or warrant picture frames, vases, lamps, clocks, fruit bowls, linen, and any item that may be decorative.

Bond Back Guarantee (T’S & C’S Apply) Exclusions With 365 Cleaners

As well as the end-of-lease cleaning exclusions, other exclusions exist that we can’t warrant under the bond back guarantee (T’s & C’s Apply) at 365 Cleaners.

Outside Windows

We cannot clean the outside windows at height, but others who are in access can be cleaned properly. However, due to unpredictable weather circumstances, we cannot warrant them.


Outside Glass

We will clean outside glass only till the reach, excluding glass at heights or difficult access. Therefore, due to weather circumstances, we cannot guarantee this.

Outside Areas

Outside areas are areas that cannot be fully protected from weather elements. For instance, balconies and patios, or any other area that cannot be completely closed off such as an outside area of a house with only three walls.

According to our inclusions, we can provide cleaning to any part of the outside areas, whereas due to unpredictable weather conditions we cannot guarantee those areas.

Post Pest Control.

We cannot take responsibility and do not warrant items post pest control that may require additional cleaning directly related to the professional Pest Control. For instance, dead insects or animals that have accumulated due to Pest control being applied to the property.


We do not guarantee any cleaning inside or outside of the garage.


Completion Event

A completion event is an event that has happened after the end of lease cleaning and within the warranty period which may influence the Managing Agent’s release of the bond for which the end of lease cleaner is not responsible.

We will not take responsibility nor guarantee cleanliness in such an event. To determine these events there are a few examples for that such as;

  • The buildup of dead insects that are alive during the clean and have since expired.
  • A build-up of surface dust that has settled after the cleaning.
  • Dirt or grime gathered near a window or door that had been left open.
  • Insect/animal feces.
  • New residents have moved or moved in.

Kitchen Items (Furnished if Applicable)

We do not prefer to clean nor warrant all kitchen items that occupy cabinets and drawers.

Furnished Furnished Exclusions

We do not clean or warrant picture frames, vases, lamps, clocks, fruit bowls, linen, and other such home decor items that may be decorative.


How do we Work?

We are highly likely different from any other end-of-lease cleaning in Victoria. We prefer to assess the property in the beginning, while making a visit to the interior and exterior area of the house. After examining it we figured out the type of cleaning that particular house requires. In some cases, this can happen that people have kept their house in quite appreciable condition and requires only a few finishing touches of end-of-year lease cleaning.

On the contrary, there are such houses which require very intense cleaning because of accumulation of stubborn stains that had become more rigid with years and never been addressed before.

Our team of highly skilled and qualified cleaners are always ready for making a house more beautiful and spotless by reviving each corner of it and implementing some unique hacks and techniques. Most of our crew members have experience of more than 10 years, which makes you relax when such experts are there to complete your house cleaning project.


We have achieved immense success along with the most effective end-of-lease cleaning cost. Our hard-working cleaners have made us receive constant support from our clients. This makes them our regular customer for move-out cleaning or ordinary house cleaning.

The trust and belief which our clients have shown in us has made us feel completely overwhelmed. This makes us more motivated to provide them with satisfactory results along with a complete bond back.

We are completely truthful to our end-of-lease cleaning price commitment and transparency which never include any hidden charges. From the moment you come in contact with us, we prefer to explain all end-of-lease cleaning costs and what kind of additional services you might require in the future.


End of Lease Cleaners Hire Process

A professional level is cleaning because we hire only the experienced cleaners and even if we hire a fresher, a full-fledged training program is organized for the staff. The experience and skills of our professionals ensure that every client receives only the expert end-of-lease bond cleaning the day before or on the day you leave your house.

That’s many of our clients have been with us since day one and rely on our functional services for every type of end-of-lease cleaning in Melbourne.

We have accomplished the leading end-of-lease cleaning company all because of our hardworking employees.

Our End of Lease Cleaning Services

Vacate Cleaning Melbourne

Some landlords or property owners can be quite critical and can withhold your bond money even for the smallest cleaning mistake. Therefore, we maintain the highest standards of quality while vacating cleaning your premises.

All our end of lease cleaning services is backed with complete dedication to provide maximum happiness to the customers.

As one of the most trusted cleaning companies in Melbourne, we are dedicated to offering the most dependable, premier, and thorough vacate cleaning services in Melbourne. We understand very well that anxiety and pressure are related to moving out, particularly when your bond is at stake.

House Cleaning Melbourne

House cleaning can be one of the most annoying and time-consuming chores. With a single phone call or a few clicks on our online booking form, you can arrange for your home to be cleaned by trained professionals with specialized equipment.

Our end-of-lease cleaning in Victoria has the most experienced and dedicated cleaners. So, you can relax when our professional cleaners do their job.


Move-in & out cleaning Melbourne

During move-in and out cleaning, we manage our tasks with full compliance and schedule everything in chronological order. We get our actions and performances to speak for us rather than promising our clients how we can wipe their premises clean. Hence move-in and out both are mandatory for beginning a new life, so you can trust them to clean their house and make it feel brand new.

Office Cleaning Melbourne

Apart from house and move-in and out cleaning, we also provide our office cleaning services. We believe in reducing your office cleaning budget by providing affordable office cleaning solutions that work for every company, whatever the requirements may be.

All cleaners with 365 Cleaners are experienced in providing the most amazing office cleaning service you deserve. A company’s workplace cleanliness plays a vital role in providing potential clients with a great first impression.


After Builders Cleaning Melbourne

A considerable number of debris and some other unsightly materials like concrete and dust can linger around following the completion of construction and renovation work. Before you can make use of the building again, these need to be cleaned up, but it can be difficult to do so on your own. At 365 Cleaners, we pride ourselves on being able to deliver the best after builders cleaning in Melbourne.

With great attention to detail, we use the most efficient cleaning methods and offer affordable prices with the hope that the results of our services will exceed your expectations.

End of Tenancy Cleaning Checklist

In Australia, it is mandatory to leave your rental property spotless clean before moving out, so that new tenants can reside easily. It is required to be clean from every sphere top to bottom, but some key areas require extra effort. We have created a list of some important areas which need special attention in assistance to get your bond back during the end of tenancy cleaning.



  • Mirror cleaning
  • Ceiling, corners, and bedroom walls cleaning
  • All reachable wardrobe surfaces, shelves, and cupboards dusting and polishing
  • Top of doors, frames, home décor interior items, curtain rails wipe
  • Blinds and curtains vacuuming and dusting
  • Lampshades and lamp fittings dusting
  • Doorknobs and door handles cleaning and polishing
  • Power sockets and light switches cleaning
  • Mattresses cleaning and vacuuming
  • Floors cleaning and polishing

Window cleaning from inside and outside


Bathroom and Toilets

  • Hard water stains removal
  • Sinks, basins, taps, and fittings cleaning
  • Limescale rings removal
  • Soap dispensers wipe and scrub
  • Curtain towel rails clean and polish
  • Toilet bowl and bidet clean and scrub
  • Shower panels and doors cleaning
  • Signs of mildew and mold, any other type of bathing marks removal
  • Drains cleaning
  • Mirror and glass surfaces wipe and clean
  • Taps, showerheads, and other metal surfaces descaling
  • Bathroom tiles cleaning and surfaces scrubbing


Living room and Dining Area

  • Tables, desks, cabinets, and other furniture and surfaces wipe and polished
  • All cupboards and drawers clean
  • Furniture clean, chairs and sofa cleaning and dusting
  • Mop and vacuum under the furniture
  • TV screens, cables, and remotes dust removal
  • Ceiling, walls, and floors dust and wipe
  • Picture frames, paintings, and curtain rails clean
  • Switches proper cleaning
  • Blinds and curtains dust removal and vacuum
  • Windows cleaning inside and outside
  • Floors and carpet cleaning and vacuuming
  • Hard floors mop and polish


Kitchen and Cooking Areas

  • Kitchen walls and ceiling cleaning
  • Cupboard tops, curtain rails, window frames, and door frames dirt and dust wipe
  • Blinds and carpets dust removal and vacuum
  • All countertops, kitchen sinks, work surfaces, and taps are properly deep clean, sanitized, and polished also
  • Water deposit and limescale accumulation clean
  • All signs of mold and mildew removal
  • Rigid grease stains from wall tiles, chimneys, and cooking hobs
  • Microwave, oven, cooking range, refrigerators, and freezers clean

Kitchen floors properly washed, vacuumed, and sanitized


Complete Spotless Cleaning Service

Our primary goal is to provide hassle-free cleaning to tenants and property owners as well. Our polite, hardworking, and punctual cleaners work efficiently and effectively to take full bond money back. End-of-lease cleaning in Australia provides same-day vacate cleaning service with no extra cost to help tenants to focus on their move out.

Our end-of-lease company assigns the best cleaning team once you confirm the booking with us. All our cleaners have been working with us for almost a decade. We’ll bring all modern equipment and advanced machinery to work according to the checklist to provide an absolutely clean place.


Efficient and Cost-effective End of Lease Cleaning Services

Considering the cost of end of lease cleaning helps property owners and tenants plan their budget effectively. At 365 Cleaners, we have an exhaustive cleaning checklist, from carpets and kitchen countertops to bathroom tiles, to give your property a thorough deep cleaning. Better yet, we offer our services at competitive prices to ensure getting your bond back doesn’t break the bank. 

Our professional cleaners in Melbourne, with their proficiency in meticulous cleaning, leave no stone unturned, making sure that every corner of your property shines. We carry out an intensive cleaning process to eliminate any stubborn stains that don’t belong there. 

Ensuring you have a stress-free exit, our skilled team handles all the end of lease cleaning duties and allows you the much-needed time to focus on your move. Looking for end of lease cleaning near Melbourne? You’re looking for 365 Cleaners.


Expertise in End of Lease Carpet Cleaning

Regular dusting and vacuuming might not be enough for the carpets. If not cleaned professionally, they might build up dirt, stain, and allergens. To keep the carpets fresh and clean, our professional cleaners are equipped with the latest carpet steam cleaning technology that aims to rejuvenate your carpets and enhance their longevity. 

We use eco-friendly carpet cleaning solutions, ensuring these are safe to use in homes with pets or kids. Whether the carpets are lightly soiled or heavily stained, our expert carpet cleaning services in Sydney can restore their lost sheen and get them as clean as they once were. 

Whether it’s residential or commercial properties in Adelaide or Perth, 365 Cleaners provides cost-effective, high-quality carpet cleaning services that are sure to impress your property manager or real estate agent. 


Why Choose 365 Cleaners for End of Lease Cleaning?

Choosing the right cleaning service is crucial to getting your bond back. Here’s why 365 Cleaners is the leading choice for end of lease cleaning in Ballarat:

  • Professionally Trained Staff: Our team goes through rigorous training to ensure high-quality service. We handle everything, from mopping floors to cleaning kitchen cupboards and bathroom tiles, meticulously.
  • Quality Cleaning Tools: We use advanced cleaning equipment like steam cleaning machines and eco-friendly products for deep cleaning that’s safe for your home and the environment.
  • Affordable Pricing: Our competitive rates make professional cleaning accessible without compromising quality. Transparent pricing ensures you know exactly what you’re paying for, with no hidden costs.
  • Customised Services: We offer tailored cleaning plans to meet your property’s specific needs, from spot cleaning to full-scale lease cleaning service.
  • Reliable and Timely: Our team respects your time. We adhere to the schedule and ensure prompt, efficient service.


Searching for “End of Lease Cleaning Near Me”?

When you type “end of lease cleaning near me” while living in Ballarat, look no further than 365 Cleaners. We are the local experts in vacate cleaning services with a track record of helping residents secure their bond money. Our reputation for excellent service speaks for itself, with many satisfied clients across Ballarat.

We bring the best in the industry to your doorstep, including advanced equipment and eco-friendly cleaning products. Searching for professional cleaners shouldn’t be a hassle. Our easy-to-book service and customised cleaning plans make us the go-to choice for end of lease cleaning in Ballarat.

Available seven days a week, our team is always ready to accommodate your cleaning needs, even at short notice. Let us take care of the hard work with our thorough lease cleaning service, so you can focus on your move.


Detailed Vacate Cleaning Services

Vacate cleaning is more than just a quick tidy-up. It requires detailed attention to every part of the property. At 365 Cleaners, our vacate cleaning services in Ballarat ensure that every inch of your property is cleaned to the highest standard. We cover everything, including kitchen cleaning, pressure cleaning, and detailed carpet cleaning.

Our end of lease cleaning service includes cleaning the kitchen cupboards, wiping down surfaces, cleaning bathroom tiles, and ensuring all rooms are free of dust and dirt. We pay special attention to areas often overlooked, like window tracks and exhaust fans. 

With our professional bond cleaners, you can be confident that every area of your property is covered. From regular upkeep to intensive cleaning, our services are designed to save you time and stress. Schedule your vacate cleaning with us and enjoy a seamless move-out process.


End of Lease Cleaning – Contact Us Today For A Quote

Choose 365 Cleaners for a hassle-free end of lease cleaning experience in Ballarat. Contact us today for a free quote.

Whether you need detailed kitchen cleaning, professional bond cleaners, or a comprehensive vacate cleaning service, 365 Cleaners in Ballarat has got you covered. For more information or to schedule your cleaning, reach out to us at 1300 285 518. Ensure a stress-free move-out and help you to secure your bond with our exceptional end of lease cleaning services!

End of Lease Cleaning Requests:

Customers seeking end of lease cleaning may be looking for a comprehensive cleaning service that goes beyond the bond requirements to leave the property in top condition.


- Frequently Asked Questions About End of Lease Cleaning in Ballarat -

Got questions? We've got answers

What does end of lease cleaning in Ballarat typically include?

End of lease cleaning in Ballarat typically includes comprehensive cleaning tasks designed to meet the high standards required by landlords and property managers. This includes kitchen cleaning, bathroom cleaning, carpet steam cleaning, window track cleaning, and much more. Professional bond cleaners like those at 365 Cleaners will ensure every area, from kitchen cupboards to shower screens, is spotless.

How important is end of lease carpet cleaning in Ballarat?

End of lease carpet cleaning is crucial in Ballarat due to the local weather conditions that can bring in dirt, dust, and allergens. Professional carpet cleaning ensures that your carpets are deep cleaned and revitalised, removing stubborn stains and odours. This can significantly impact your chances of getting your bond back.

What is the cost of end of lease cleaning?

The cost of end of lease cleaning in Ballarat can vary based on several factors, including the size of the property and the extent of the cleaning required. At 365 Cleaners, we offer competitive rates with transparent pricing, ensuring you know exactly what you're paying for. Contact us for a free, no-obligation quote to understand the specific costs for your cleaning needs.

How do I find reliable end of lease cleaning near me in Ballarat?

Finding reliable end of lease cleaning near you in Ballarat is simple with 365 Cleaners. We are the local experts in vacate cleaning services, offering tailored cleaning plans and advanced equipment to ensure your property meets the required standards. Our professional bond cleaners are available seven days a week to accommodate your schedule.

What's the difference between vacate cleaning and regular cleaning services?

Vacate cleaning in Ballarat, also known as end of lease cleaning, is a more detailed and comprehensive cleaning service compared to regular cleaning. It involves thorough cleaning of every part of the property to meet the stringent requirements of landlords and property managers. This includes specific tasks like kitchen cupboard cleaning, bathroom tile scrubbing, and detailed vacate cleaning services to ensure you get your bond back.

For more information or to schedule your end of lease cleaning, contact 365 Cleaners in Ballarat at 1300 285 518 for a stress-free move-out experience.

End- Of Lease Header

Why Choose 365 Cleaners for End of Lease Cleaning in Melbourne?

  • Access to state-of-art cleaning supplies.
  • A team of friendly and dedicated cleaners.
  • A hassle-free process to ensure a smooth end of lease cleaning.
  • Easy availability of customer support.
  • Efficient and high-quality customer support.
  • Proven methods and techniques to deliver flawless cleaning.
  • Eco-friendly cleaning products
  • Affordable prices

Our Blogs

Let's Connect with 365 Cleaners

365 Cleaners a trusted end of lease cleaning company in Melbourne. Having skilled cleaners delivering exceptional levels of cleaning services to clients. Our cleaning services is aimed at creating spotless spaces so that the landlord and property managers are completely satisfied. If you are in search of a reliable End of Lease Cleaning Service, call us now and get our free quotes. You can also contact us for bond back cleaning and move out cleaning services.